philly art work 4 u by devonsparks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Have you ever imagined going back in time to the Wild West?! Getting in your own time travel machine and heading back to the 1800's, think about it!
What role would you want to play if you went back to the Wild West? A cowboy? A Mustang herder?
Today is your LUCKY day...your teacher has provided a time travel machine to your class and your first assignment is to travel back in time.
You have arrived!! But wait...where are you exactly?! What kind of town have you arrived in?
Its up to you...create the town in your imagination, draw it out..its up to you...your assignment will be based upon it.
After deciding where you are, make your way to the town newpaper building (every western town has a newspaper!) The Western Gazette has offered to hire you as their new illustrator! Congrats!
On your new desk is a letter from your teacher explaining that you must publish one full article of illustrations before you can come home and share your stories!
1. Once you decide what kind of wild west town you want to be in, start it anything like these old western ghost towns?
2. Dont forget people that you might have in your town...women (or heroines), outlaws, famous people? Anyone that you might admire from that period of time
3. Now you must go out into the town, get the stories, do some portraits, and get the human interest stories!
4. Once you have all that taken care of, go back to the Gazette, fire up the printing press and get to work on getting your excellent newpaper out to the residents of your Wild West town.
Did your newspaper sell out?! Did the residents love what you provided for them? Do they want to keep you on or promote you to editor?! GREAT JOB!!
Rubric for Evaluation:
Category Excellent Work - A Better Than Average Work - B
Average Work - C
Below Average Work - D Failing - F
CLASSWORK Student demonstrates outstanding skill, discernment and understanding of visual principles in accomplishing his or her work. The quality of work is excellent, and it is integrated with exceptional creativity.
Student demonstrates moderate skill, discernment and understanding of visual principles in accomplishing his or her work. The quality of work is good, and it is integrated with some creativity.
Student demonstrates average skill, discernment and understanding of visual principles in
accomplishing his or her work. The quality of work is modest, and it is moderately integrated.
Student demonstrates lack of skill, discernment and understanding of visual principles in accomplishing his or her work. The quality of work submitted is less than acceptable, and it is poorly
Student fails to demonstrate skill or understanding of the issues involved. Quality of work
submitted is insufficient, and poorly integrated.
PARTICIPATION Student demonstrates through discussion, critique, and studio interaction outstanding
ability to discuss and assess work, communicating how visual elements and strategies are used. The student demonstrates extensive use and understanding of concepts and terminology used in the
Student demonstrates through discussion, critique, and studio interaction a solid ability to
discuss and assess work; communicating how visual elements and strategies are used. The student demonstrates competent use and understanding of concepts and terminology used in the discipline.
Student demonstrates through discussion, critique, and studio interaction an average ability to discuss and assess work, communicating how visual elements and strategies are used. Though the discussion and assessment of work is substantially complete, the communication of some visual
elements and strategies are incomplete or missing. The student demonstrates a superficial rather than thorough understanding of concepts and terminology used in the discipline.
Student demonstrates through discussion, critique, and studio interaction a limited ability
to discuss and assess work, while communicating at a minimal or perfunctory level how the visual
elements and strategies are used. Poor effort is made to relate an understanding of the art concepts and
terminology used in the discipline.
In discussion, critique, and studio interaction, the student states an opinion vaguely or
does not assess the work and shows little to no evidence of an understanding of how visual elements
and strategies are used. No effort is made to relate an understanding of concepts and terminology used
in the discipline.
HOMEWORK In the case of studio assigned homework (activity) the student completes the assignment in all aspects and creatively exploits possibilities within open-ended assignments. The work demonstrates skill, good judgment, and application of principles. In the case of written assignments, oral
presentations, and research, the work/presentation/document, presents sound research and is well written and well presented.
In the case of studio assigned homework (activity) the student completes the assignment and fulfills more than minimal requirements. The work demonstrates some skill, judgment, and application of principles. In the case of written assignments, oral presentations, and research, the work/presentation/document, presents research and are reasonably well written and suitably
In the case of studio assigned homework (activity) the student completes most of the
assignment and fulfills the minimum requirements. The work demonstrates modest skill, some
judgment, and in parts, application of principles. In the case of written assignments, oral presentations,
and research, the student makes a modest effort as evidenced by a satisfactory presentation/document.
Research may be incomplete, or lacking in organization.
In the case of studio assigned homework (activity) the student does not complete the
assignment and fulfills only minimal requirements or submits work late. The work demonstrates lack of
skill, weak judgment, and little application of principles. In the case of written assignments, oral
presentations, and research, the work/presentation/ document, presents faulty or negligible research
and is not well written and/or presented.
In the case of studio assigned home work (activity) the student does not complete the
assignment and does not fulfill requirements. In the case of written assignments, oral presentations, and research, the work /presentation/ document, presents faulty or negligible research and is not well
written and/or presented.
Now where did that time machine go?! Head back to the 21st century and tell your class and family all about your travels!
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